Mark Mironyuk
Hi, I'm a creative JavaScript and React developer / designer based in Sacramento, California.
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Hash Gradient
Project hash-gradient preview image
CSS gradient fingerprint from hash.
Algorithmic Logo Resizing
Project algo-logo-resize preview image
A proof of concept for sizing logos by their visual weight.
Choice Component
Project choice-component preview image
A nested choice component for React.
Migrating Cranes
Project migratingcranes preview image
A website for presending immigration reports generated with R.
Ghost Tabs Chrome Extension
Project ghost-tabs preview image
Old tabs slowly fade away, but you can always bring them back.
Web Browser
Project patchwork-browser preview image
A web browser.
Project hashdrop preview image
A zero-trust app for proving that you had a document at a specific time.
Crabby Keys
Project typing-test preview image
A typing test app.
Project huet preview image
A React library for accessibile theming. Choose the contrast you want, and let Huet calculate the colors for you.
JPEG Degrader
Project jpeg-degrader preview image
Bake an image by recursively running JPEG compression on it (with filters).
